
— about

Telling true stories

Fiction is delightful, but true stories have more impact. Our team is committed to helping partners like you develop organizations in a holistic way, providing solutions that don’t just check a box, but truly improve the life and operations of the people we serve. 

We want to get our clients to a place where you don’t have to make stuff up about your products and services to sell them, but where you can lead out boldly with a true story about who you are and what you offer to the world, knowing that you have what it takes to make claims and back them up.
— Connecting the Dots

by nature

Most organizations put bandaid solutions on the areas that cause the most pain with little consideration of holistic strategies. 

You must have a website, so you start there. A client complains about your logo, so you think about changing it. Your marketing isn’t producing the results you want, so you spend some more money. You have an idea for an app, so you talk to a developer. 

All the while, cohesion is lacking in your efforts yielding limited results, lots of frustration, and teams that aren’t supported by a clearly defined, well-oiled brand and marketing strategy. 

Sound familiar?  

We're not about puffing up value for the “soft” skills we provide. But we all about taking a tactical approach to connect the dots between your efforts, so everything is crystal clear to your customers. It means telling your story well - making great web, brand, and marketing solutions that make sense.
Team Stories

Building together

We work together, we do life together. Not a disparate group of contractors, but a cohesive assembly of like-minded, multi-talented friends and professionals.

Ben Forsberg

Founder // Messaging
The chief storyteller, Ben works with clients as the first point of contact to understand needs and devise a strategy that will produce results.
Known for:
Marketing and messaging, content development, business systems, fishing and getting people excited.

Dereck Bermudez

partner // designer
The guy with the eye, utilizing creativity to propel companies forward. More than that, he makes sure the flow of your clients journey is a pure delight.
Known for:
Brand identity design, web design, print, graphics and ads, camping and sending good vibes.

Ben Leivian

partner // developer
A full-stack developer, Ben L. is the one who makes tools that work. With a killer eye for UX, he makes web apps that work well.
Known for:
Front-end web design, back-end development, online systems creation, drumming and keeping it chill.

Bre Simmons

Director // Biz Dev & Support
Actually running the show, Bre holds the team together and makes sure we serve our clients well with support, admin, and management.
Known for:
Systems and technology, client support, website mastery, traveling and providing the foundation.

Work With WellTold

You tell us about you and what you need. We'll listen to understand and make a plan together to meet your goals.
get started
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